Park Lane Academy

Curriculum Intent


Our Intent:

Park Lane Academy serves an extended, under privileged community with high levels of deprivation. We have a demographic that has high levels of SEND needs. Due to this, it's our mission to ensure that our students strive for excellence and fulfil their ambitions in a nurturing environment under pinned by our key values of Respect, Ambition and Pride.

We are passionate in our belief that all students, regardless of starting points or perceived barriers, have the right to a curriculum that is not only ambitious but tailored to meet their needs, enabling them to develop the skills to compete with their peers and to develop a lifelong love of learning.

At Park Lane Academy, our curriculum is underpinned by the belief that every child is entitled to an engaging education, which effectively supports them in becoming lifelong learners helping them to achieve their ambitions and play a full and meaningful role in the society of tomorrow. It's our aim to provide our students with their GCSE passports to success through the delivery of a broad, relevant and bespoke curriculum which allows all children to succeed – irrespective of starting points, SEND or other perceived barriers. Through our challenging offer we want our students to leave our academy as resilient and ambitious individuals who have the self-belief and confidence to believe in themselves and realise their full potential.


Curriculum organisation:

  • We offer a five year educational experience, that includes a three year Key Stage 3 and two year Key Stage 4 and we follow the national curriculum.
  • We offer access to a broad, balanced and range of subjects at Key Stage 3 (offering a full Key Stage 3 entitlement).
  • Our students follow a two week timetable which consists of 25 periods a week with six lessons a day.
  • There are four classes in each year group. Year 7 (118), Year 8 (114), Year 9 (80), Year 10 (73) and Year 11 (95). A total of 480 students.
  • In Years 7, 8 and 9 classes are grouped by ability, with the flexibility to move dependent on ability and/or progress in most subjects.
  • Students largely follow an ambitious and academic curriculum with a range of EBACC subjects on offer.
  • At Key Stage 4, students will have taken eight qualifications by the end of Year 11.


Equity in the curriculum

  • Our Key Stage 3 curriculum offer, gives all students the opportunity to study a range of EBACC subjects. Students in Key Stage 4, can study for the 'English Baccalaureate'. Currently 36% of Year 11 and 26% of Year 10 are studying the ‘English Baccalaureate’.
  • All students study a range of high-quality GCSE and vocational qualifications (Sports Studies, Creative Media, Health and Social care, Sports Science, Business and Enterprise, Photography and Travel and Tourism).
  • The curriculum is organised and delivered by specialist subject leaders and teachers for all subjects and for all abilities.
  • We have a three year Key Stage 3 model which enables students to study the full range of subjects in greater depth.
  • All students have access to a modern foreign language at Key Stage 3.
  • All students with SEND are entitled to the full mainstream curriculum offer and follow the same curriculum.
  • At Key Stage 3, there’s eight one-hour lessons of Maths, English and Science.
  • A reciprocal reading lesson has been added to the curriculum for all Key Stage 3 students.
  • Other literacy interventions, e.g. Lexia, Read Write Inc. (Fresh Start). These are targeted at those students that have a SAS below 85 (or a reading age >2yr below chronological age in the first instance). Those of higher also access Phonic interventions (triage system).


Mission Statement

At Park Lane Academy, we welcome everyone into our learning family. We are committed to ensuring everyone in our Academy community meets their potential, instilling a culture of Respect, Ambition and Pride for all.

We work together to provide all students with high quality teaching, exceptional support and guidance. We enable all to develop and grow into successful, responsible and resilient young people with the educational outcomes, attitudes, knowledge and skills to make a difference.


Vision for the Park Lane Academy Curriculum 

Everything we do at Park Lane Academy is designed to support all our students to ‘be the best versions of themselves’. Our curriculum offer is both rich and engaging; providing a curriculum journey that is student focussed, relevant to our context and needs of the locality.  Our curriculum is designed to respect and fully meet both our student’s needs and their aspirations, to encourage ambition and to support students in taking pride in their learning, from the moment they start at Park Lane Academy.


In line with our Academy Aims, the curriculum we deliver develops knowledge, understanding and behaviours for learning that means students are both motivated and equipped with the knowledge, skills and ability required to be successful in the future and into the world of work.

The curriculum we have developed provides learning, opportunities and experiences that will equalize the life chances of our students. Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural learning is at the heart of everything we do.


If you wish to find out more about the curriculum at Park Lane Academy please contact the Academy on 01422 362215.