Park Lane Academy


Attendance Policy

At PLA, we insist on excellent school attendance and we offer a clear whole school vision for attendance which are underpinned by high expectations linked to our academy core values. We expect good attendance and punctuality from all members of the school community and we make sure that our students understand the importance of this. 

When it comes to attendance, we also make sure staff, pupils and families understand that absence from school is a potential safeguarding risk as well as recognising that good, attendance to school is crucial in preparing young people for successful transition to adulthood and to support further learning opportunities and better job prospects. 

Our key principles are to; 

  • Ensure that every child is safe and has their right to education protected which may involve working with external agencies. 
  • Ensure we have clear and consistently applied systems and processes to improve, reward and incentivise attendance and address absences. 
  • Ensure good attendance and punctuality is regularly promoted and achieved, in line with both targets set by the Trust and national expectations. 

Attendance Champions

Mr G Major - Assistant Principal Behaviour
Miss H Crossfield - Attendance Improvement Lead
Mrs M Bouckley - Attendance Officer
Miss L Steele - Head of Year 7
Miss K Liley - Head of Year 8
Mr B Traviss - Head of Year 9
Mrs J Schofield - Head of Year 10
Miss L Berry - Head of Year 11

Reporting Absence

In the rare event of your child being absent please ring attendance on  01422 362215 then select Option 1, to report their absence. Alternatively email: